
Program Overview

In the name of Allah, the Most Caring and the Most Kind. All praises to Him from whom we have received clarity to foresee, through His intelligence we are able to understand, and through His strength we are able to perform the responsibilities endowed upon us.
We are delighted to welcome you as learning partners as we strive to nurture the genius in your child. ALIMkids Playschool is a one-stop learning destination for Islamic and academic early childhood education.
ALIMkids Playschool is committed to work closely with parents to inculcate Islamic thoughts, habits and values in your children’s minds and behaviour to produce successful Khalifah of ALLAH.
Our unique “holistic” approach centralizes to Oneness of Allah. The program provides children the opportunities to interact positively to instill a deep and firm belief in Allah

ALIMkids Playschool programme is a holistic and integrated programme promoting Islamic living that offers the little ones an insightful and exciting way to learn about Islam. They are taught to understand and practice Islamic values and morals in their daily routines.
Teaching Approach
  • A multi-sensory approach inculcates the habits to inquire, try, see, share, reflect and act.
  • Play is the central approach to learning.
  • Thematic learning of Islamic values and practices.
  • Developmentally and age-appropriate lessons on Islam.
  • A learning environment that is safe, fun, attractive, and motivating.
  • Small teacher to children ratio
Desired Outcome
Towards the completion of the academic year, your child will:
  • Develop the love for Allah and Rasullulah s.a.w
  • Refer to the Sahabahs and Prophets as examples
  • Develop the habits to perform wudhu’ and solah
  • Be able to recite and understand the general meaning of basic surahs and du’as.
  • Know what is right (Ma’ruf) and what is wrong (Mungkar)
  • Be able to recognize Arabic letters
  • Be able to recognize and write a-z
  • Be able to count, write and say numbers 1-10
  • Love their families, friends, teachers and school


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